Overview of Popular Office Systems - Google, Apple, Mail Chimp and More
Facilitator: Jennifer Nevarez, Director, CommUNITY Learning Network
1. Watch Videos
View handouts below:
2. Practice
Create a Google Email and Account
Do you have a Google email and account?
If not., click here to set up a free google email account.
Explore Google Docs
Click here to access our Google Doc.
Add your name and your Google email address directly to the Google Doc
Take a look at Google Forms.
Create a brief 1-3 question survey using Google Forms that you can share with our class
and post the link for others to respond to in our Chat forum. Be sure to check the Chat and respond to a Google Survey from someone else.
Create a Google Email and Account
Do you have a Google email and account?
If not., click here to set up a free google email account.
Explore Google Docs
Click here to access our Google Doc.
Add your name and your Google email address directly to the Google Doc
Take a look at Google Forms.
Create a brief 1-3 question survey using Google Forms that you can share with our class
and post the link for others to respond to in our Chat forum. Be sure to check the Chat and respond to a Google Survey from someone else.